

  • Home 아이콘Home
  • Company
  • Vision

Natural Way pursues to become a green company that
prioritizes the healthy life and environment of the people
based on its sustainable management philosophy.

Natural Way solid infrastructure
  • 예시이미지
    Strict production management

    Certified by many domestic and foreign organizations,
    Strict hygiene management, various facilities, and excellent production stability

    Headquarters Pocheon Factory 1 /
    Pocheon Factory 2 / Seoul Office
  • 예시이미지
    R&D capabilities

    Based on academic understanding and planning ability
    Development of various formulations and new materials

  • 예시이미지
    Excellent and stable quality assurance

    Owned self-quality analysis facility
    Strict quality control by process

    GMP / ISO 14001 / HACCP / FSSC 22000 / ISO 9001