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Certification Status

Natural Way guarantees excellent and
stable quality assurance by owning quality analysis facilities and
strict quality control for each process.
  • Hazard Analysis and
    Critical Control Point
    Establishment of a sanitary management system to prevent biological, chemical,
    and physical hazards from being mixed or contaminated with food at each stage from the production of food raw materials to consumption by the final consumer
  • Good Manufacturing
    Various specific requirements|
    for manufacturing excellent food
    with advanced quality, excellent food
    manufacturing and management certificate
  • ISO 9001
    Refers to the quality assurance system throughout the entire production process, including products and services.
    That is, a certificate that evaluates the quality management system that produces and supplies products
  • ISO 14001
    Various specific requirements for manufacturing excellent food
    with advanced quality,
    certificate of excellent food manufacturing and management
  • FSSC 22000
    International food safety
    standard certificate approved by
    the Global FOOD Safety Initiative
    Halal certification means ‘permissible’ Muslim
    in Arabic means to eat or use according
    to Islamic law Only slaughtered, processed, and processed foods Certification mark granted
    Foods manufactured or processed using organic agricultural, livestock, or fishery products produced through organic methods as raw materials or ingredients
    Certification granted based on criteria that exclude the use of animal-derived raw materials and prohibit animal testing on the product